In rosso le review, in verde gli RCT.
- The Lancet Respiratory Medicine , 3 dicembre 2021 | “Post-mortem lung tissue: the fossil record of the pathophysiology and immunopathology of severe COVID-19”
- BMJ, 1 dicembre 2021 | “Visualising SARS-CoV-2 transmission routes and mitigations”
- New England Journal of Medicine, 24 novembre | “A Possible Role for Anti-idiotype Antibodies in SARS-CoV-2 Infection and Vaccination”
- The Lancet, 8 Novembre 2021 | “How an outbreak became a pandemic: a chronological analysis of crucial junctures and international obligations in the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic”
- JAMA, 14 ottobre 2021 | “Trying to Block SARS-CoV-2 Transmission With Intranasal Vaccines”
- New England Journal of Medicine, 7 otttobre 2021 | “Pan-Sarbecovirus Neutralizing Antibodies in BNT162b2-Immunized SARS-CoV-1 Survivors”
- Nature, 1 settembre 2021 | “SARS-CoV-2-specific T cells in infection and vaccination”
- New England Journal of Medicine, 5 agosto 2021 | “SARS-CoV-2 Variants in Patients with Immunosuppression”
- JAMA Internal Medicine, 23 luglio 2021 | “Nine Lessons Learned From the COVID-19 Pandemic for Improving Hospital Care and Health Care Delivery”
- JAMA, 8 luglio 2021 | “Potential COVID-19 Endgame ScenariosEradication, Elimination, Cohabitation, or Conflagration?”
- JAMA, 17 giugno 2021 | “Sperm Parameters Before and After COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination”
- JAMA, 23 giugno 2021 |“The Search for a Single Vaccine Against Coronaviruses Yet to Come”
- New England Journal of Medicine, 17 giugno 2021 | “Spike D614G — A Candidate Vaccine Antigen Against Covid-19”
- ScienceAdvances, 26 maggio 2021 | “Inhalable Nanobody (PiN-21) prevents and treats SARS-CoV-2 infections in Syrian hamsters at ultra-low doses”
- JAMA, 7 maggio 2021 | “Precision Medicine for COVID-19Phenotype Anarchy or Promise Realized?”
- JAMA, 5 maggio 2021 | “Researchers Tie Severe Immunosuppression to Chronic COVID-19 and Virus Variants”
- The Lancet, 28 aprile 2021 | “SARS-CoV-2 elimination, not mitigation, creates best outcomes for health, the economy, and civil liberties”
- The Lancet Microbe, 20 aprile 2021 | “COVID-19 vaccine efficacy and effectiveness—the elephant (not) in the room”
- Nature Medicine, 16 aprile 2021 | “Modeling vaccination rollouts, SARS-CoV-2 variants and the requirement for non-pharmaceutical interventions in Italy”
- New England Journal of Medicine, 07 aprile 2021 | “Preparing for the Future — Nanobodies for Covid-19?”
- PNAS, 23 marzo 2021 | “Higher airborne pollen concentrations correlated with increased SARS-CoV-2 infection rates, as evidenced from 31 countries across the globe”
- New England Journal of Medicine, 6 marzo 2021 | “Breathless”
- Nature Medicine, 1 marzo 2021 | “Assessing the human immune response to SARS-CoV-2 variants”
- Science Immunology, 23 febbraio 2021 | “Clonal expansion and activation of tissue-resident memory-like Th17 cells expressing GM-CSF in the lungs of severe COVID-19 patients”
- PNAS , 2 marzo 2021 | “A genomic region associated with protection against severe COVID-19 is inherited from Neandertals”
- The Lancet Public Health, 18 febbraio 2021 | “Immune evasion means we need a new COVID-19 social contract”
- Nature, 18 febbraio 2021 | “Years of life lost to COVID-19 in 81 countries”
- The Lancet Planetary Health, 11 febbraio 2021 | ” COVID-19 and the collapse of global trade: building an effective public health response”
- American Society for Microbiology – mSystems, 10 febbraio 2021 | “High-Throughput Wastewater SARS-CoV-2 Detection Enables Forecasting of Community Infection Dynamics in San Diego County”
- AIP Physics of Fluids, 9 febbraio 2021 | “Simulation-based study of COVID-19 outbreak associated with air-conditioning in a restaurant”
- Cell, 2 febbraio 2021 |” Maturation and persistence of the anti-SARS-CoV-2 memory B cell response”
- Cell, 2 febbraio 2021 |” Maturation and persistence of the anti-SARS-CoV-2 memory B cell response”
- The New York Times, 2 febbraio 2021 | Had Covid? You May Need Only One Dose of Vaccine, Study Suggests
- The Lancet Planetary Health, 29 gennaio 2021 | “The relationship between cultural tightness–looseness and COVID-19 cases and deaths: a global analysis”
- Science , 13 gennaio 2021 | “Saliva could hold clues to how sick you will get from COVID-19”
- Annals of Internal Medicine , 12 gennaio 2021 | “The Sensitivity and Costs of Testing for SARS- CoV-2 Infection With Saliva Versus Nasopharyngeal Swabs”
- JAMA, 6 gennaio 2021 | “Genetic Variants of SARS-CoV-2—What Do They Mean?”
- New England Journal of Medicine, 30 dicembre 2020 | “Microvascular Injury in the Brains of Patients with Covid-19”
- New England Journal of Medicine, 16 dicembre 2020 | “Emergence of a Highly Fit SARS-CoV-2 Variant”
- The Lancet Health Longevity, 3 dicembre 2020 | “Metformin and risk of mortality in patients hospitalised with COVID-19: a retrospective cohort analysis”
- Annals of Internal Medicine, 24 novembre 2020 | “Association Between ABO and Rh Blood Groups and SARS-CoV-2 Infection or Severe COVID-19 Illness”
- New England Journal of Medicine , 20 novembre 2020 | ” Covid-19–Associated Myopathy Caused by Type I Interferonopathy”
- The Lancet , 19 novembre 2020 | ” Multi-center nationwide comparison of seven serology assays reveals a SARS-CoV-2 non-responding seronegative subpopulation”
- Tumori Journal, 12 novembre 2020 | “Unexpected detection of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in the prepandemic period in Italy”
- New England Journal of Medicine, 15 ottobre 2020 | “Genomewide Association Study of Severe Covid-19 with Respiratory Failure”
- Clinical Microbiology and Infection, 12 ottobre 2020 | “Overall decrease of SARS-CoV-2 viral load and reduction of clinical burden: the experience of a Northern Italy hospital”
- The Lancet, 12 ottobre 2020 | “ Genomic evidence for reinfection with SARS-CoV2:a case study”
- The Lancet, 12 ottobre 2020 | “ What reinfection means for COVID-19
- The Lancet, 26 settembre 2020 | “Offline: COVID-19 is not a pandemic”
- JAMA Pediatrics, 12 ottobre 2020 | “ Balancing risks in the time of COVID-19”
- The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 29 settembre 2020 | “Low risk of SARS-CoV-2 transmission by fomites in real-life conditions”
- The Lancet, 26 settembre 2020 | “Offline: COVID-19 is not a pandemic”
- JAMA Oncology, 17 settembre 2020 | “Changes in Lung Cancer Treatment as a Result of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic”
- New England Journal of Medicine, 16 settembre 2020 | “Detection of SARS-CoV-2 with SHERLOCK One-Pot Testing”
- Jama Cardiology, 11 settembre 2020 | “Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Findings in Competitive Athletes Recovering From COVID-19 Infection”
- New England Journal of Medicine, 10 settembre 2020 | “The Climate Crisis and Covid-19 — A Major Threat to the Pandemic Response”
- Science, 10 settembre 2020 | “The emergence of SARS-CoV-2 in Europe and North America”
- The Lancet, 19 agosto 2020 | “Automated and partly automated contact tracing: a systematic review to inform the control of COVID-19”
- The Lancet, 18 agosto 2020 | “Effects of a major deletion in the SARS-CoV-2 genome on the severity of infection and the inflammatory response: an observational cohort study”
- Nature, 17 agosto 2020 | “COVID-19 poses a riddle for the immune system”
- Annals of Internal Medicine, 21 agosto 2020 | “Addressing Postpandemic Clinician Mental Health-A Narrative Review and Conceptual Framework”
- JAMA PEDIATRICS, 25 agosto 2020 | “Prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Children Without Symptoms of Coronavirus Disease 2019”
- JAMA, 12 agosto 2020 | “Precision Public Health as a Key Tool in the COVID-19 Response”
- Nature, 11 agosto 2020 | “A negative COVID-19 test does not mean recovery”
- New England Journal of Medicine, 6 agosto 2020 | “Waiting for Certainty on Covid-19 Antibody Tests — At What Cost?”
- New England Journal of Medicine, 6 agosto 2020 | “Mental Health and the Covid-19 Pandemic”
- The Lancet Respiratory Medicine, 3 agosto 2020 | “COVID-19 interstitial pneumonia: monitoring the clinical course in survivors”
- Karolinska Institutet, 3 agosto 2020 | “Cloth face masks can reduce the spread of SARS-CoV-2”
- JAMA, 24 luglio 2020 | “Presence of Genetic Variants Among Young Men With Severe COVID-19”
- The Lancet Digital Health, 10 luglio 2020 | “Machine learning for COVID-19—asking the right questions”
- Science, 7 luglio 2020 | “School openings across globe suggest ways to keep coronavirus at bay, despite outbreaks”
- Scienzainrete, 3 luglio 2020 | “L’evoluzione di SARS-CoV-2 dall’Asia all’Europa: la mutazione D614G”
- Istituto Mario Negri, 3 luglio 2020 | “Covid-19: carica virale più bassa ma va tenuta alta la guardia”
- The Lancet, 30 giugno 2020 | “Reflecting on experiences of social distancing”
- JAMA, 29 giugno 2020 | “Cognitive Bias and Public Health Policy During the COVID-19 Pandemic”
- Scienzainrete, 22 giugno 2020 | “Debolmente positivi: realtà o illusione?”
- Scienzainrete, 21 giugno 2020 | “Sei infetto? Un po’…”
- New England Journal of Medicine, 17 giugno 2020 | “Genomewide Association Study of Severe Covid-19 with Respiratory Failure”
- Scienzainrete, 15 giugno 2020 | “Mai fidarsi degli asintomatici”
- Istituto Mario Negri, 15 giugno 2020 | “Covid-19 e stress da isolamento: risultati dell’inchiesta nazionale sul disagio psicologico durante la quarantena”
- The Lancet, 11 giugno 2020 | “Challenges to medical education at a time of physical distancing”
- Science, 9 giugno 2020 | “Three big studies dim hopes that hydroxychloroquine can treat or prevent COVID-19”
- Istituto Mario Negri, 8 giugno 2020 | “L’app Immuni è ora disponibile: tanti ancora i dubbi sulla sua efficacia.”
- Nature, 8 giugno 2020 | Estimating the effects of non-pharmaceutical interventions on COVID-19 in Europe
- Medscape, 6 giugno 2020 | “Claims of a Weaker COVID-19 Virus Disputed”
- New England Journal of Medicine, 3 giugno 2020 | “Swabs Collected by Patients or Health Care Workers for SARS-CoV-2 Testing”
- Jama Neurology, 29 maggio 2020 | “Magnetic Resonance Imaging Alteration of the Brain in a Patient With Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and Anosmia”
- Cell, 27 maggio 2020 | “SARS-CoV-2 Reverse Genetics Reveals a Variable Infection Gradient in the Respiratory Tract”
- Science, 27 maggio 2020 | “Reducing transmission of SARS-CoV-2”
- Nature, 27 maggio 2020 | “The epic battle against coronavirus misinformation and conspiracy theories”
- New England Journal of Medicine, 21 maggio 2020 | “Pulmonary Vascular Endothelialitis, Thrombosis, and Angiogenesis in Covid-19”
- The Lancet Respiratory Medicine, 15 maggio 2020 | “Pulmonary fibrosis secondary to COVID-19: a call to arms?”
- The New York Times, 14 maggio 2020 | “How Pandemics End”
- Nature, 13 maggio 2020 | “Coronavirus blood-clot mystery intensifies”
- Scienza in rete, 12 maggio 2020 | Simbiosi e complessità: le parole chiave per il post Covid-19
- Istituto Mario Negri, 11 maggio 2020 | ”Covid-19 e anticorpi neutralizzanti: possibile terapia salvavita”
- The Lancet Rheumatology, 7 maggio 2020 | “Interleukin-1 blockade with high-dose anakinra in patients with COVID-19, acute respiratory distress syndrome, and hyperinflammation: a retrospective cohort study”
- Nature, 5 maggio 2020 | ”A human monoclonal antibody blocking SARS-CoV-2 infection”
- MEDIUM.COM , 29 aprile 2020 | “Coronavirus: come fare i test e tracciare i contatti”
- Nature, 4 maggio 2020 | “Profile of e killer : the complex biology powering the coronavirus pandemic”
- Accademia dei Lincei, 1 maggio 2020 | La fase 2 dell’epidemia: che cosa è, come prepararsi – Documento della Commissione Covid-19
- Center for Infectious Disease research and Policy – CIDRAP , 30 aprile 2020 | “The future of the COVID-19 pandemic: lessons learned from pandemic influenza”
- Nature human behaviour, 30 aprile 2020 | Using social and behavioural science to support COVID-19 pandemic response
- Lancet Infect Dis, 29 aprile 2020 [richiamo articolo novembre 2003] | “Effects of chloroquine on viral infections: an old drug against today’s diseases”
- PNAS, 28 aprile 2020 | Phylogenetic network analysis of SARS-CoV-2 genomes
- Preprint, P.M. Matricardi, 24 aprile 2020 | “The First, Comprehensive Immunological Model of COVID-19:Implications for Prevention, Diagnosis, and Public Health Measures”
- New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), 24 aprile |”Covid-19 and Kidney Transplantation”
- BMJ, 21 aprile 2020 | “Viral load dynamics and disease severity in patients infected with SARS- CoV-2 in Zhejiang province, China, January-March 2020: retrospective cohort study”
- The Lancet, 17 aprile 2020 |” SARS-CoV-2 and viral sepsis: observations and hypotheses”
- Scienzainrete; G.Corbellini, 5 aprile 2020 | “ La pandemia non è hegeliana, ma darwiniana”
- Circulation, 15 aprile 2020 | “COVID-19, Arrhythmic Risk and Inflammation: Mind the Gap!”
- The Lancet, 11 aprile 2020 | “ Virtual health care in the era of COVID-19”
- JAMA , 7 aprile 2020 | “Preparing for the Most Critically Ill Patients With COVID-19The Potential Role of Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation”
- MedRxiv, 5 aprile 2020 | “ Exposure to air pollution and COVID-19 mortality in the United States”
- Istituto Mario Negri, 7 aprile 2020 | “Quali sono le origini della pandemia del nuovo coronavirus?”
- The Lancet, 6 aprile | “ Preventing COVID-19-induced pneumonia with anticytokine therapy”
- Istituto Mario Negri, 30 Marzo 2020 | Covid-19: come prevenire una seconda ondata epidemica
- JAMA , 27 marzo 2020 | “Treatment of 5 Critically Ill Patients With COVID-19 With Convalescent Plasma”
- BMJ, 27 marzo 2020 | “Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and covid-19”
- Accademia dei lincei, 25 mar 2020 | Rapporto COVID 19 – Documento della Commissione Covid-19
- British Rhinological Society, marzo 2020 l “Loss of sense of smell as marker of COVID-19 infection”
- South China Morning Post, 13 marzo 2020 l “Coronavirus: China’s first confirmed Covid-19 case traced back to November 17”