Etica Clinica
- New England Journal of Medicine, 21 luglio 2021 | “SARS-CoV-2 Human Challenge Studies — Establishing the Model during an Evolving Pandemic”
- JAMA Pediatrics, 21 giugno 2021 | “Association Between Race and COVID-19 Outcomes Among 2.6 Million Children in England”
- JAMA Internal Medicine, 7 giugno 2021 | “Are SARS-CoV-2 Human Challenge Trials Ethical?”
- JAMA, 7 giugno 2021| “COVID-19 Vaccination of Health Care Personnel as a Condition of EmploymentA Logical Addition to Institutional Safety Programs”
- JAMA Cardiology, 27 maggio 2021 | “Prevalence of Clinical and Subclinical Myocarditis in Competitive Athletes With Recent SARS-CoV-2 InfectionResults From the Big Ten COVID-19 Cardiac Registry”
- New England Journal of Medicine, 25 maggio 2021 | “Incentives for Immunity — Strategies for Increasing Covid-19 Vaccine Uptake”
- New England Journal of Medicine, 8 aprile 2021 | “Escaping Catch-22 — Overcoming Covid Vaccine Hesitancy”
- JAMA, 7 aprile 2021 | “Digital Health Passes in the Age of COVID-19Are “Vaccine Passports” Lawful and Ethical?”
- The Lancet Microbe, 1 aprile 2021 | “Anthroponosis and risk management: a time for ethical vaccination of wildlife?”
- New England Journal of Medicine, 31 marzo 2021 | ““Vaccine Passport” Certification — Policy and Ethical Considerations”
- New England Journal of Medicine, 3 marzo 2021 | “Choices in a Crisis — Individual Preferences among SARS-CoV-2 Vaccines”
- New England Journal of Medicine, 3 marzo 2021 | “Vaccination plus Decarceration — Stopping Covid-19 in Jails and Prisons”
- New England Journal of Medicine, 20 gennaio 2021 | “Vaccinating Children against Covid-19 — The Lessons of Measles”
- New England Journal of Medicine, 3 dicembre 2020 | “Placebo-Controlled Trials of Covid-19 Vaccines — Why We Still Need Them”
- MMWR, 29 novembre 2020 | “The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices’ Ethical Principles for Allocating Initial Supplies of COVID-19 Vaccine — United States, 2020”
- Annals of Internal Medicine, 20 novembre 2020 | “Ethical and Scientific Considerations Regarding the Early Approval and Deployment of a COVID-19 Vaccine”
- New England Journal of Medicine, 29 ottobre 2020 | “Evaluating and Deploying Covid-19 Vaccines — The Importance of Transparency, Scientific Integrity, and Public Trust”
- JAMA, 22 ottobre 2020 | “Scientific and Ethical Principles Underlying Recommendations From the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices for COVID-19 Vaccination Implementation”
- JAMA, 16 ottobre 2020 | “Sensible Medicine—Balancing Intervention and Inaction During the COVID-19 Pandemic”
- JAMA, 2 ottobre 2020 | “Preserving Elective Surgeries in the COVID-19 Pandemic and the Future”
- JAMA, 21 settembre 2020 | “Ensuring Adequate Palliative and Hospice Care During COVID-19 Surges”
- JAMA Pediatrics, 21 settembre 2020 | “COVID-19 and Human Trafficking—the Amplified Impact on Vulnerable Populations”
- New England Journal of Medicine, 3 settembre 2020 | “Accelerating Development of SARS-CoV-2 Vaccines — The Role for Controlled Human Infection Models”
- JAMA, 17 agosto 2020 | “Ethical Considerations for COVID-19 Vaccine Trials in Correctional Facilities”
- JAMA , 24 luglio 2020 | “Clinical, Legal, and Ethical Aspects of Artificial Intelligence–Assisted Conversational Agents in Health Care”
- New England Journal of Medicine, 29 luglio 2020 | “Reopening Primary Schools during the Pandemic”
- New England Journal of Medicine, 30 luglio 2020 | “Respecting Disability Rights — Toward Improved Crisis Standards of Care”
- New England Journal of Medicine, 22 luglio 2020 | “Structural Racism, Social Risk Factors, and Covid-19 — A Dangerous Convergence for Black Americans”
- Scienzainrete, 19 luglio 2020 | “L’improvvisazione scientifica e terapeutica ai tempi di Covid-19”
- STAT, 15 luglio 2020 | “An invisible hand: Patients aren’t being told about the AI systems advising their care”
- Scienzainrete, 8 luglio 2020 | “Per un’etica dei numeri e dei modelli”
- JAMA Cardiology, 24 giugno 2020 | “On the Frontlines of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Crisis – The Many Faces of Leadership”
- JAMA, 12 giugno 2020 | “The Moral Determinants of Health”
- Annals of Internal Medicine, 3 giugno 2020 | “Prevalence of Asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 Infection”
- The Lancet Digital Health, 2 giugno 2020 | “The need for privacy with public digital contact tracing during the COVID-19 pandemic”
- The Lancet Infectious diseases, 29 maggio 2020 | ”COVID-19 human challenge studies: ethical issues”
- Nature, 28 maggio 2020 | “Ethical guidelines for COVID-19 tracing apps”
- JAMA, 27 maggio 2020 | “Digital Smartphone Tracking for COVID-19Public Health and Civil Liberties in Tension”
- Nature, 21 maggio 2020 | “Ten reasons why immunity passports are a bad idea”
- JAMA, 6 maggio 2020 | ”Privileges and Immunity Certification During the COVID-19 Pandemic”
- JAMA, 6 maggio 2020 | “The Ethics of COVID-19 Immunity-Based Licenses (“Immunity Passports”)”
- Agenda Digitale, 6 maggio 2020 | Floridi: “App coronavirus devono essere etiche o è meglio rinunciare”
- New England Journal of Medicine, 28 aprile 2020 | “Covid-19 — A Reminder to Reason”
- New England Journal of Medicine , 17 aprile 2020 | “The Untold Toll — The Pandemic’s Effects on Patients without Covid-19”
- New England Journal of Medicine, 14 aprile 2020 | ” Drug Evaluation during the Covid-19 Pandemic”
- JAMA , 13 Aprile 2020 | “Oncology Practice During the COVID-19 Pandemic “
- CNB – Comitato Nazionale per la Bioetica, 8 aprile 2020 | Covid-19: La decisione clinica in condizioni di carenza di risorse e il criterio del “triage in emergenza pandemica”
- The Lancet, 4 aprile 2020 | “Redefining vulnerability in the era of COVID-19”
- JAMA, 30 marzo 2020 | “Optimizing the Trade-off Between Learning and Doing in a Pandemic”
- Società Italiana di Anestesia Analgesia Rianimazione e Terapia Intensiva – Marzo 2020 “Raccomandazioni di etica clinica per l’ammissione a trattamenti intensivi e per la loro sospensione, in condizioni eccezionali di squilibrio tra necessità e di risorse disponibili”